Thursday, January 28, 2010

Upper Lip Facial Hair In Pre-teen Girls Pre-teen Facial And Body Hair Problem?

Pre-teen Facial And Body Hair Problem? - upper lip facial hair in pre-teen girls

That is very unusual. I am 12 and have hair on my cheeks (yes, some on the chin) cargo on the upper lip and very, very dense, jet-black eyebrows. I'm light-skinned black) (and seems uncomfortable. I wax at least once a week on my upper lip, but the hair on the left are. If it does not look for my site like a monster. Of course, I skin legs (,) my face that many points (red) and use the depilatory cream per week. Almost (!) Is the other thing is that my hair is very small.
I thought he might have PCOS, but I have not had time, so that I could not. I am also a child in very good health - that different types of exercise every day, and I'm at a healthy weight. It Might Be heritage, but my father is not hairy, and my mother also has thick facial hair, but both are in the range of 40-50 years did not really grow hair at the time. When I took a picture that no spots. My face is too sensitive to the top of my plays wax. Please HELP or I!


anis1180... said...

Suggest Babe Visitors dermatologist.he \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ u A study of the hormone can and no laser treatment for removing facial hair, leg hair are other options available to

Feinschm... said...

Time to start shaving. Many adult women shave daily.

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